
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Episode 3: Another Sound of Spring
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
In this episode we take a trip out to the pond to listen to another sound of spring. In what perhaps is the twist of a lifetime, it's not a sound made by a bird. Bird Dad becomes Naturalist Dad this week to rhapsodize about an early spring event that takes place on the warmest, wettest (dare we say, biggest?) nights in early spring.
Species in Focus: Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), and Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer)
Written, recorded, and produced by Ian Carlsen
Music by Doubletone

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Episode 2: Timberdoodling
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
In this episode my love for American Woodcocks (and how weird they are) should become apparent, as I go searching in my backyard to find one.
Species in Focus: American Woodcock (Scolopax minor)
Written, recorded, and produced by Ian Carlsen
Music by Doubletone

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Episode 1: Three Kinds of Waiting
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
The inaugural episode. Blackbirds, blue jays, and the turning of the seasons in the year of COVID-19.
Written, recorded, and produced by Ian Carlsen.
Additional audio recording by Doug Hitchcox.
Music by Doubletone.